Everyday we will be posting a different tip. Today is Tip #1 & #2
Tip 1: Understand Why You Are Selling Your Home
Your motivation to sell is the determining factor as to how you will approach success. If affects everything from what you set your asking price at; to how much time, money, and effort you're willing to invest in order to prepare your home for sale. For example, if your goal is for a quick sale, this would determine one approach. If you want to maximize your profit, the sales process might take longer, thsu determining a different approach.
Tip 2: Keep The Reaons You
are Selling To Yourself
reason(s) you are selling your home will affect the way you negotiate its sale.
By keeping yourself, you don't provide ammunition to your prospective buyers.
For example, should they learn that you must move quickly, you would be placed
at a disadvantage in the negotiation process. When asked, simply say that your
housing needs have changed. Remember, the reason(s) you are selling is only for
you to know.
Stay tuned for the next tip!