This week on 52 Things To Do In The South Okanagan Is OCTOBER FEST here in our very own Oliver BC. This is the first annual event and from the looks of it, it is going to be a good one!
It is this Saturday October 13, 2012 starting at 7 pm at the new Oliver Bandshell. If you’re not quite sure where that is, it is located at the community center fields. Entry is by donation and Firehall Brewery will be supplying the BEER!!! They will be offering a “Stoked Ember Ale” and a “Holy Smoke Stout” right from the tap.
There is also going to be LIVE BANDS!! The featured music is:
- Finishymn (metal)
- Great White North (Folk Rock)
- Crowd The Joanna (Hillbilly-Punk)
- The scenic Roots (Acoustic Folk-Reggae)
The beer gardens will be opening up at 6:30 pm, so don’t lollygag around head straight to the gardens! However this evening of fun, beer and fantastic entertainment wont last all night, it only goes till the 11 pm but then you can always head over to the local pub in town “Murphys”. They have great food and drinks, why not right??
So all of you head down to the first annual OCTOBER FEST and support it, make sure it comes back next year J
See you all down there! Maybe we will share a beer together.....
Sara Amos